EISSN 2149-4975
Turkish Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - Turk J Card Nur: 15 (38)
Volume: 15  Issue: 38 - December 2024
1. The Relationship Between Fragility And Self-Care Agency For Elderly Patients With Hypertension
Merve Çelik Ayar, Ezgi Mutluay Yayla
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.37232  Pages 121 - 127
Objective: This study was conducted to examine the relationship between frailty and self-care agency in elderly hypertensive patients.

Methods: This study was conducted with 299 hypertensive patients aged 65 and over who voluntarily participated in the study and were treated in the inpatient wards of a public hospital. Data of the research; It was collected using the "Personal and Medical Characteristics Information Form", Edmonton Frailty Scale" and "Self-Care Agency Scale". The data were evaluated using the "Statiscal Package of Social Science (SPSS)" 23 program with a 95% confidence interval and a significance level of P < 0.05.

Results: The mean age of the patients was 71.40±6.59. According to the results of the analysis, the mean total score of the patients on the Edmonton Frailty Scale was 5.71±2.87; The mean score of the Self-Care Agency Scale was found to be 90.19±12.06. It was determined that there was a moderate negative relationship between the patients' frailty and self-care skills levels (p<0.000). Additionally, it was determined that Edmonton Frailty Scale scores explained 9.1% of the change in Self-Care Agency scores (R2=0.09).

Conclusion: It was determined that 37.1% of elderly hypertension patients were at various levels of frailty and their self-care skills were at a medium level; It was concluded that as the level of fragility increases, self-care ability decreases. In light of these results, it is recommended that nurses simultaneously evaluate the fragility and self-care ability of elderly hypertension patients and plan training in line with their needs.

2. The Effect of Using Walking Aids on Pain and Mobility Levels of Patients Underwent Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Simge Rahime Aktürk Tuncer, Seher Ünver
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.48658  Pages 128 - 136
Objective: Early mobilization is important for improving healing. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of using walking aids on the pain and mobility levels of patients during early mobilization following coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

Methods: This parallel-group, assessor-blinded randomized controlled study was conducted with 56 patients. The intervention group performed their mobilizations with a walking aid, while the control group received the routine mobilization procedure with two nurses, three times every four hours.

Results: The pain and mobility levels of patients were evaluated using the Patient Mobility and Observer Mobility Scales. The pain levels of intervention group patients were found to be statistically significantly lower (p <.001) and mobility levels were significantly higher (P <.001) than those in the control group during the three mobilization stages.

Conclusion: The use of walking aids is effective in reducing pain and difficulty levels and increasing mobility levels during early mobilization after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (ClinicalTrials.gov Protocol Registration Number: NCT05830682).

3. Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Metabolic Control in Individuals with Myocardial Infarction
Derya Akça Doğan, Burcu Dedeoğlu Demir, Sevda Türen, Rabia Gülnur Yılmazer Serbes
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.09327  Pages 137 - 143
Objective: The study aimed to determine the relationship between healthy lifestyle behaviors (HLB) and metabolic control in individuals with myocardial infarction (MI).

Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study collected data between January 2023 and June 2023 using a questionnaire. The questionnaire included the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the participants and the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile II (HPLP II). The questionnaire was administered via face-to-face interviews. The study sample consisted of 251 individuals diagnosed with MI who were treated in the coronary intensive care unit of a training and research hospital.

Results: The total mean score of the patients on the HPLP II was 120.16 ± 17.61. When examining the relationship between HLB and metabolic findings of individuals with MI, the total HPLP II score showed a statistically significant negative correlation with HbA1c (r = -0.290, P <.0001), fasting blood glucose (r = -0.174, P = .006), total cholesterol (r = -0.261, P <.0001), triglycerides (r = -0.216, P <.0001), and low-density lipoprotein (r = -0.247, P <.0001), while there was a statistically significant positive correlation with high-density lipoprotein (r = 0.375, P <.0001).

Conclusion: This study found that the HLB of individuals with MI were at a moderate level and were associated with metabolic control. Individuals who adopted HLB had better metabolic control. These findings suggest that individuals need more support and guidance in adopting HLB. In this context, health professionals should support and educate individuals with MI about lifestyle changes such as health responsibility, physical activity, nutrition, spiritual development, interpersonal relationships, and stress management.

4. An Analysis of the Relationship between Dietary Compliance and Self-Care Behaviors and Life Satisfaction in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Case of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Türkiye
Zeliha Büyükbayram Genç, Meyreme Aksoy
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.22448  Pages 144 - 151
Objective: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between dietary compliance, self-care behaviors, and life satisfaction in patients with chronic heart failure.

Method: This descriptive, relational, and cross-sectional study was conducted between December 2022 and May 2023 in Siirt Training and Research Hospital, located in southeastern Türkiye, with the participation of 178 patients diagnosed with heart failure. The study data were collected through the Beliefs About Dietary Compliance Scale, the European Heart Failure Self-care Behavior Scale, the Life Satisfaction Scale, and a Patient Information Form.

Results: The benefit and barrier perception subscale scores of the patients regarding dietary compliance were 23.51 ± 4.80 and 15.48 ± 4.12, respectively. The patients’ self-care behavior mean score was 37.76 ± 7.32, while their life satisfaction mean score was 16.46 ± 6.52. A negative and significant relationship was determined between the patients’ dietary compliance barrier perception subscale and their self-care behavior and life satisfaction mean scores (P < 0.05). Additionally, a positive and significant correlation was found between the patients’ self-care behavior and life satisfaction mean scores (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: It was determined that the patients adopted dietary compliance benefit behaviors more and barrier behaviors less, indicating compliance with dietary treatment. It was observed that their self-care behaviors were inadequate, while their life satisfaction was at a moderate level. Furthermore, it was determined that as self-care behaviors and dietary compliance increased in patients, their life satisfaction also increased.

5. The Effect of WhatsApp-Assisted ECG Training on Students’ Knowledge Levels
Canan Kaş, Filiz Özel Çakır
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.42104  Pages 152 - 155
Objective: Social media applications, such as WhatsApp, are widely used as teaching methods in many higher education institutions and have been shown to enhance student learning and motivation. It is believed that education supported by the WhatsApp application, which is easily accessible to university students via their phones, can positively influence students’ knowledge levels in electrocardiography (ECG) training. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of WhatsApp-assisted ECG training on students’ knowledge levels.

Methods: This semi-randomized controlled study involved third-year nursing students enrolled in the elective Intensive Care Nursing course during the spring semester of 2022-2023. The study was conducted in the Nursing Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences at a university in the Western Black Sea region of Türkiye. After providing ECG information through online education, a pretest was administered. Following the pretest, ECG rhythm analysis videos, pictures, and links to ECG games and quiz websites were shared via WhatsApp for one week. A posttest was conducted after the one-week intervention.

Results: While there was an average difference in students’ knowledge levels before and after the WhatsApp-assisted ECG training, this difference was not statistically significant.

Conclusion: As the average knowledge score of students increased after WhatsApp-assisted training, it may be beneficial to expand the use of web-based education approaches in the curriculum.

6. Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction with Post-Discharge Tele-Health Monitoring of Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Ebru Dığrak, Adile Savsar, Filiz Öğce Aktaş, Müge Aygüler
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.34366  Pages 156 - 162
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the self-efficacy and satisfaction with post-discharge tele-health follow-up of patients after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

Methods: This descriptive, cross-sectional study included a sample of 102 patients who underwent CABG surgery in the cardiovascular surgery clinic of a university hospital between July 2022 and April 2023. Data were collected using a personal information form, 15th-day and 30th-day patient control forms, and the Cardiac Surgery Version of the Barnason Efficacy Expectation Scale (BEES).

Results: The mean age of the patients was 63.97 ± 9.75 years, and 75.7% were male. In terms of disease management, 95.1% had a dependent, 96.1% restricted visitors, 85.4% adhered to nutritional recommendations, 85.4% engaged in indoor and outdoor walks, 97.1% took their medication appropriately at home, 99% had their stitches removed on time, and all were satisfied with the tele-health service. There was a significant decrease in behaviors such as sleeping on the back, using the chest corset, wearing compression stockings before getting out of bed, and using the triflo ball from the 15th to the 30th day after surgery (P < 0.05). Patients demonstrated moderate self-efficacy levels, and all were satisfied with the tele-health service.

Conclusion: The study revealed two main findings: patients who underwent CABG surgery had moderate self-efficacy and were satisfied with post-discharge tele-health follow-up. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the frequency of tele-health follow-ups by nurses after discharge and to place a greater emphasis on education to improve patients’ self-efficacy.

7. Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: Can Nurses Heal A Broken Heart?
Abdullah Avcı, Meral Gün
doi: 10.5543/khd.2023. 76598  Pages 163 - 170
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, stress cardiomyopathy, ampulla cardiomyopathy, or transient apical ballooning syndrome, is a rare cardiac syndrome characterized by transient left ventricular systolic dysfunction. Without coronary artery stenosis, chest pain is a disease that mimics the signs of acute coronary syndrome, such as ST elevation on the ECG and cardiac enzyme elevation, and is usually difficult to diagnose. This syndrome, which mainly occurs after emotional or physical stress, is often observed in older postmenopausal women. The course of the disease usually improves within days and weeks, while the mortality rate may increase if timely and appropriate treatment is not provided. In this disease, which is usually difficult to diagnose and little known, nurses should be well aware of the differences between acute coronary syndrome and takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Nurses have important responsibilities in the care and treatment of patients with takotsubo cardiomyopathy, in the follow-up of complications, and the education of the patient and his family. It is believed that nurses working especially in cardiology clinics, knowing this clinical picture, can create a positive effect on the disease process and contribute positively to the prognosis as a result of evaluating patients with a holistic approach, rigorously and carefully. This review article aims to inform nurses about the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment process of takotsubo cardiomyopathy and to draw attention to nursing care.

8. Nursing Care According to the Functional Health Patterns of a Patient Who Developed Coronary Vasospasm During Coronary Angiography: Case Report
Neriman Özge Çalışkan Cellatoğlu, Güler Yüksel Uzungil, Hayat Yalın, Gültekin Karakuş
doi: 10.5543/khd.2024.77200  Pages 171 - 176
Coronary vasospasm is characterised by transient and reversible vasoconstriction of the coronary vasculature that may cause occlusion of the coronary arteries leading to myocardial ischemia. Neurohumoral substances such as endothelial-derived relaxant factor (EDRF), nitric oxide (NO), and autocoids are effective in coronary vessel tone. In the presence of endothelial dysfunction, decreased release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor may lead to coronary spasm. Serious complications such as life-threatening arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, or sudden death can be observed in patients with a severe, prolonged, spasm of multiple vessels. The requirements of a 47-year-old patient who presented with pain in the chest were evaluated and examined with Marjory Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Model (FHPM).

9. 15th Reviewer List

Page 177
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