1. | Editorial Page 1 Abstract |
2. | Symptom Management in Patients with a Diagnosis of Heart Failure Selma Turan Kavradım, Zeynep Canlı Özer doi: 10.5543/khd.2013.007 Pages 1 - 14 The prevalence of heart failure shows a rapid increase in the world the last 20-30 years and emerges as an important cause of morbidity and mortality. In developed countries, about 1 to 2% of the adult society seen heart failure, the prevalence increases to 10% in individuals over 70 years of age. Individuals with a diagnosis of heart failure, decreased quality of life and shortened the average life expectancy due to disease and symptoms of disease, also known they live social and psychological problems, emotional, physical functions affected significantly negative. Reducing disease signs and symptoms of heart failure is one of the important goals of care and treatment. For better management of symptoms, best possible evaluation of symptoms is necessary. It is known that an successful treatment and the symptom management with a multidisciplinary approach in patients with heart failure, decreased recurrent hospital admissions and increase survival. Heart failure symptoms’ pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and symptom management discussed in this review is thought to be helpful to nurses problems of individuals diagnosed with heart failure, diagnose the causes of the disease and application attempts. |
3. | Literature Reviews and Its Importance in Clinical Studies Sevda Türen, Nuray Enç doi: 10.5543/khd.2013.008 Pages 15 - 20 Thousands of studies has been published in the field of medicine every day and knowledge accumulates very rapidly. It is getting more difficult for the researchers and health care providers to adapt with the ever changing knowledge and speed of the innoviations. Reviews generated by analysis and synthesis of all the information available in the literature provides easily accessible and qualitative source of information. Review of the relevant literature can be a part of any study or can be in the form of an article in itself. Systematic review of the literature can be presented in 3 different ways; traditional literature review, meta-analysis or the best evidence synthesis. Systematic literature reviews; by adopting strict, detailed, replicable and transparent methodologies eliminates or minimizes the bias due to the selection of literature and create a reliable source of information. Basic features of the review and its importance in the clinical studies are emphasized in this study. |
4. | Assessment for the Use of Turkish Society of Cardiology Nursing Care Guidelines in Heart Failure, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Hypertension and Percutaneous Coronary and Valvular Interventions Nuray Enç, Havva Öz Alkan doi: 10.5543/khd.2013.009 Pages 21 - 32 INTRODUCTION: In this study, effectiveness and use of Turkish Society of Cardiology Nursing Care Guidelines for Nursing Care Guidelines in Heart Failure, Acute Coronary Syndromes Hypertension, Coronary and Valvular Interventions which prepared on the basis of the nursing process by nurses working in the field of cardiology were investigated. METHODS: Study was carried out by 705 nurses who volunteered to participate in the study, at least one year working in cardiology clinics in the 45 state and university hospitals in Turkey. The data were collected with general information form and a questionnaire containing 23 questions related to the use of the guidelines. Forms were sent to charge nurses by postal service. Filled forms by the nurses were back collected with postal service. RESULTS: 279 (39.6%) nurses have knowledge about the Heart Failure Nursing Care Guide, and 220 (31.2%) nurses uses guideline. 59.1- 69.5 % nurses who use the guideline find very much useful in phases of the nursing process. 274 (38.9%) nurses have knowledge about the Acute Coronary Syndromes Nursing CareGuide and 219 (31.1%) nurses uses the guideline. 57.1- 66.7 % nurses who using the guideline find very much useful in phases of the nursing process. 271 (38.4%) nurses have knowledge about the Hypertension Nursing Care Guide and 213 (30.2%) nurses uses guideline. 61.5-65.3% nurses who using the guideline find very much useful in phases of the nursing process. 216 (30.6%) nurses have knowledge about the Percutaneous Coronary and Valvular Interventions Nursing Care Guide and 149 (21.1%) nurses uses guideline. 56-61.9 % nurses who using the guideline find very much useful in phases of the nursing process. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Available nursing care guidelines were not well known by nurses. Nurses who have information about guidelines use and significantly benefit from these guidelines in clinical practice. |
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