EISSN 2149-4975
Turkish Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - Turk J Card Nur: 6 (9)
Volume: 6  Issue: 9 - May 2015
1. Editorial

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2. Cardiovascular Disease Management Programs in Nursing Leadership At The Present Time
Hilal Uysal
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.001  Pages 1 - 14
Improving chronic illness care in new developments in health care is among the
primary targets. Without integrated health care management of chronic diseases is not possible to present a high - performance sustainable health services. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular of the disease management program has proven to be effective in patient care. Nurse-led care is expressed more proactive and as an attempt to target. Ultimately, by ensuring integrated and coordinated care, will be able the applicability of the disease management programs and individuals to take responsibility as active in health.

3. Cardiovascular changes in critically ill patients and nursing interventions
Sevda Türen
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.002  Pages 15 - 26
Definition of the critically ill patients is used for the patients whose vital functions are not stable, maintained under supportive treatments or in a situation where their general condition can possibly be deteriorated. The critical care/intensive care; involves utilizing a high level of technological facilities to provide a thorough care for these patients. Cardiovascular changes are seen very common in critically ill patients and play an important role in morbidity and mortality. Nurses working in intensive care units are obliged to make diagnosis of the patients with complicated and life-threatening problems, continuously monitor and implement quality and advanced intensive care and treatment interventions. Therefore, nurses should be able to recognize the slightest change in the condition of the critically ill patients immeaditely, be able to intervene and report them appropriately. In this review, we discuss the cardiovascular changes that can be seen in critical care/intensive care patients and targeted nursing interventions that can be implemented.

4. Home Care in Heart Failure
Havva Öz Alkan, Nuray Enç
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.003  Pages 27 - 41
The continuity of health care is particularly important for heart patients with recurrent hospital admissions. Heart failure is the most common cause of admission to hospital in individuals aged 65 and over. Hospital costs of patients with heart failure is higher than hospital costs of the other elderly. Home care interventions in heart disease and discharge criteria for home care focuses to diagnostic and follow-up of symptoms, medication management (especially anticoagulant and diuretic treatment management), continuity of activity, cardiac rehabilitation, nutrition education, control of risk factors, cognitive evaluation and education about mental health. There are positive effects of home care on physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social participation, interpersonal relationships, realize their potential and intellectual development processes. In addition home care allows to the preservation of family unity, to reduce stress, to sustain life in an environment where individuals are accustomed to self, allows himself to be carried out. It is indispensable part of health care with this provides the positive results.

5. Heart Valve Diseases and Nursing Care
Cansu Polat, Nuray Enç
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.004  Pages 42 - 57
Valvular heart diseases (VHD) are the most common causes of mortality and morbidity after coronary artery disease, hypertension, and heart failure. Valvular heart diseases may ocur the result of valve stenosis, valve regurjitation both valve stenosis and valve regurtitaion. Valvular heart disease may require hospitalization or outpatient care for management of heart failure, endocarditis, embolik disease or dysrhytmias. Heart valve disease are treated as medical and surgical treatment and there are important role and responsibilities of nurses this process. Nursing care during the treatment of valvular heart disease; maintaining an optimal level of the patient's cardiac function, increasing the cardiac tolerance, planning activities of daily living, patient / family education includes compliance with medication and therapy. In this article, valvular heart disease etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment, nursing diagnosis and interventions are discussed.

6. Telemonitoring for Heart Failure Management and Nursing
Meral Altıok
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.005  Pages 58 - 74
Heart failure is a progressive condition and is associated with high patient mortality rates and frequent hospitalizations. Several different disease management interventions for patients with heart failure have been developed. Evidence-based disease management programs are designed to help individuals with chronic diseases improve self care and self- management, also provide better clinical information for clinicians. Telemonitörizasyo method is one of those approaches. Telemonitoring has the potential to improve the management of chronic illness and decrease preventable rehospitalizations and associated costs. The objective of this review is to discuss for heart failure disease management programs (structured telephone support, Telemonitoring) and to define the components of an efficient (patient education, self-care and self-management), nursing role and the current situation in our country.

7. Evaluation of ECG Knowledge of the employees in the Emergency and Intensive Care Nurses
Yasemin Çelik, Canan Karadaş, Cansu Akdağ, Gülay Özkeçeci
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.006  Pages 75 - 85
INTRODUCTION: The study of nurses working in emergency and intensive care services, in order to make the necessary preparations for emergency response data is very important to recognize the ECG findings was performed to determine the level of knowledge.
METHODS: Our study population consists of 55 nurses. Volunteered to participate in the survey questionnaire was administered to 48 nurses. Then an hour of training on basic ECG and again applying the same survey questions the study was completed in two phases on 19/07/2013. There are 24 questions in the questionnaire.
RESULTS: In our study, pre-training total score of correct answers given to questions 8625, while the total score after training 10,212 rose to make a difference was not statistically significant (P <= 0.05). This situation is not at the desired level of in-service training shows that effective. Questions can be obtained from a total of 16.0 full points, respectively. Age, educational level and length of employment as a nurse with the answers given to the questions of the level of knowledge ECG statistically significant difference occurs (P <= 0.05). Accordingly; By the age of nurses in the age range 23-27, bachelor's degree nurses, nurses working in the range of 0-4 years, the level of knowledge of the ECG has been found that responding to the questions more accurately
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In our study, Afyon Kocatepe University Research and Application Hospital Emergency and intensive care unit nurses working in the ECG recording and evaluation of information about the desired level to arrive in-service training should be increased where it was concluded.

8. Twitching in Patient Temporary Pacemaker Implanted and Twiddler’s Syndrome
Fatma İltuş, Yasemin Tokem, Elif Ünsal Avdal, Berna Nilgün Özgürsoy Uran
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.007  Pages 86 - 90
Twiddler syndrome is an infrequent but potentially dangerous complication of device therapy for dysrhythmias. This syndrome results from the manipulation of the implanted pulse generator by the patient, leading to traction and subsequent lead dislodgement. If it is pulled, the pacemaker tip, during leads Journey can stimulate the diaphragm, vagus nerve, phrenic nerve, pectoralis muscle and brachial plexus. Sense of contraction and pulsation due to stimulation on affected area called twitching may be occured.
Temporary pacemakers reverse from anormal variations of heart rate to normal and from unstable hemodynamics to stable. Ratio of patient implanted temporary pacemaker for emergency situations and then caring intensive care unit is very high. In this paper, it was discussed twitching in case who implanted temporary pacemaker for third degree atrioventricular block and Twiddler’s syndrome.

9. Postoperative Nursing Care of The Patients With Right and Left Ventricular Assit Device
Sema Koçaşlı, İnci Mercan
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.008  Pages 91 - 98
Technological improvements of heart failure treatment cause rapid advance of mechanical circulatory support systems in recent years. These condition results increased application of Ventricular Assist Device (VAD). The life quality of these patients is increased. There are several complications like bleeding, infection, thromboembolism, stroke, right and left heart failure of VAD application. Nursing care of this patient group is important because of preventing complications and ensuring highest life quality. Nursing care of this case with VAD device was performed according to functional ‘health care patterns’ of NANDA.

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