EISSN 2149-4975
Turkish Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - Turk J Card Nur: 6 (10)
Volume: 6  Issue: 10 - August 2015
1. Editorial

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2. Patient Management After Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Yasemin Uslu, Fatma Demir Korkmaz
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.009  Pages 99 - 111
Cardiac arrest is an important public health concern. Cardiac arrest generally develops between the ages of 45-75, and increases proportionally to the cardiovascular diseases. Despite extensive education of resuscitation and developments in techniques, prognosis of cardiac arrest is not good. Permanent brain damage is seen in more than quarter of the patients who survived after early resuscitation. Successful cardio pulmonery resuscitation application is the first step for patients having cardiac arrest to continue to their normal life. Various therapeutic strategies are developed for increasing survival after resuscitation. These strategies are monitorization, controlled oxygenation, sedation, preventing seizures, controlling blood glucose, therapeutic hyperthermia, treatment of hyperpyrexia, and emotional support. When the cardiac rhythm returns to normal and sufficient cardiac output occurs, brain becomes the most important organ that affects patient’s life. Today, beyond ensuring patients having cardio pulmonary to return to spontaneous circulation, main aim is ensuring patients to turn back to their pre-arrest health conditions.

3. Evaluating the education results of the nurses who had basic electrocardiography education in Acıbadem Health Group: Recognizing deadly rythms
Aybüke Özoğul, Ayşe Yolaçan, Birsen Erkuş
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.010  Pages 112 - 120
INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted to evaluate the education results of the nurses who had basic electrocardiography (ECG) education in Acıbadem Health Group.
METHODS: This is a retrospective and descriptive study. The study group consisted 616 nurses who had basic ECG training education between years of 2005 to 2012 in Acıbadem Health Group.Ethical board (ATADEK) and institutional approval were achieved before the study. Pre-test,1st,2nd,3. mid-exams and final exam results and demografical datas were analysed. Each exam includes questions about previous lessons and exams were carried out by the educator after the education.Participant nurses who achieved a score of 80 or higher and who could recognise deadly rhythms achieved “Basic ECG Education Attendance” Certificate which is valid for Acıbadem Health Group.
RESULTS: Average pre and final test results of the nurses are found to be 63.7 and 87.6, respectively. Although final test results of the nurses who had 0-1 year of professional experience and who worked in the hospitalised patient floor were higher than the others;the recognition of deadly rhythms were lower.Nurses who had 8 years of professional experience had lower pre and final exam results whereas all of them recognised the deadly rhythms. 22 of the Health Collage graduates couldn’t recognise deadly rhythms.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: When the pretest and final exam scores were evaluated 23.9 points of increase were clearly found.As %92,8 percent of the nurses were familiar with the deadly rythms,it was determined that %7,2 percent couldn’t recognise them.

4. The Complication of Following Coronary Angiography: Contrast-Induced Nephropathy and Nursing Care
Gülsüm Nihal Çürük, Hatice Yüceler Kaçmaz, Mehmet Güngör Kaya
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.011  Pages 121 - 128
Contrast-induced nephropathy is a frequent complication of coronary diagnostic and interventional procedures, and is associated with significantly unfavorable outcomes, including major cardiovascular events, prolonged hospitalization, high costs and early death. For prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy, identifying high risk patients, withdrawal of potentially nephrotoxic drugs 24 hours before contrast administration, adequate intravenous hydration, reduction of contrast amount used and administration of the low-osmolality media in high risk patients, pharmacologic strategies and haemodialysis and haemofiltration in very high risk patients are recommended. In this paper, a case with contrast-induced nephropathy due to coronary angiography and nursing interventions are provided.

5. Nursing Care in Myo-Pericarditis: A case report
Cansu Polat, Zehra Kırkaya, Nuray Enç
doi: 10.5543/khd.2015.012  Pages 129 - 137
Myopericarditis is coexistence of both pericarditis and myocarditis. Through the anatomical neighborhood and depending on the common etiologic agents of myocarditis often accompanied by acute pericarditis. Symptoms and signs of disease in the majory of patients are uncertain. It is difficult to diagnose myopericarditis, because some patients may present with ST segment elevation on the resting ECG and elevated cardiac enzymes show similarties with acute transmural myocardial infarction. The primary objectives of nursing care for the myopericarditis patients are to take measures to reduce the heart's workload, removal of the patient's pain and anxiety, evaluating the effects of pharmacological treatment, prevent the complications associated with chronic heart failure and patient / family education. A 20 -year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of chest pain. Patient who has ST-segment elevation, increase in cardiac enzymes and chest pain is accepted with a diagnosis of myopericarditis. Patient was evaluated with Marjory Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Nursing Care Model and than nursing care is given.

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