1. | Editorial Page I |
2. | Can be Prevented Re-hospitalizations in Heart Failure? Semiha Alkan, Nesrin Nural doi: 10.5543/khd.2017.25238 Pages 28 - 34 Heart failure (HF) is a chronic disease with a high rate of mortality and re-hospitalization, accompanied by many physical and emotional symptoms, requiring lifelong symptom control, diet, exercise compliance, and disease management. The inability of patients to adjust to the recommended treatment program causes exacerbation of symptoms, apply emergency services and frequent hospitalizations. Monitoring of symptoms, being aware of worsening symptoms, knowing that help is needed in which situation are essential for maintaining self-care at home in successful management. Comprehensive training by identifying patient barrier during compliance, patient monitoring will be effective in reducing re-hospitalizations and improving the patients’s self-care skills. |
3. | A Guide for the Nurses in Care Management of Heart Failure Elçin Sebahat Kasapoğlu, Nuray Enç doi: 10.5543/khd.2017.35229 Pages 35 - 44 Heart failure is one of the diseases with high mortality and morbidity rate in the world and our country. Health education given to individuals with heart failure by nurses increases the quality of life of individuals. Some factors, such as educational status, experience, knowledge of the nurses who will provide the training and individual characteristics of the patient, affect the quality of the education. In nursing management, nurses need to plan content of education according to the individual characteristics and needs of the patient. The aim of this article is to guide nurses on topics, content and language in the education they will give to patients with heart failure. This education, according to guide that has prepared for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure by ESC in 2016, should be included the definition of the disease, signs and symptoms, aetiology, monitoring, self-care, pharmacological treatment, implanted devices, planned surgical interventions, immunization, diet, use of alcohol and smoking, exercise, travel and leisure activities, disorders of sleeping and sexual activity topics. After given health education, according to these topics, patients monitoring, repetition of trainings if necessary, use of written or visual materials will increase patients' compliance. Health education provided by health professionals in the care management of patients with heart failure, prolongs the life duration of the individual, decreases the hospitalization frequency and increases the quality of life. |
4. | Healthy Lifestyle Behaviours of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Patients and the Affecting Factors Melek Yeşil Bayülgen, Meral Altıok doi: 10.5543/khd.2017.28199 Pages 45 - 54 INTRODUCTION: This study aims to determine if Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) patients have a healthy lifestyle behaviour and the factors that affect it. METHODS: The study was conducted with 100 patients who visited the cardiology outpatient clinics of one university hospital between September 1, 2013 and January 30, 2014. All of them had undergone a PTCA at least three months before and met the criteria for inclusion. The data were collected using a personal information form, the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors Knowledge Level (CARRF-KL) Scale, and the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour Scale II (HLSBS II). The data were analyzed using percentages, standard deviations, the Student-t test, one-way variance analysis, the Levene test, the Scheffe test and Spearman's correlation coefficient. The threshold for statistical significance was p<0.05. RESULTS: Of the participants, 60% were male, 82% had at least one chronic disease and 52% had undergone PCI only once. Their mean age was 59±11.1. Their HLSBS II total score average was 136.55±25.30, their CARRF-KL score average was 20.98±4.10, both of which were higher than average. The CARRF-KL and HLSBS II total scores of the patients along with their scores on the subscales of nutrition, spiritual development, interpersonal relationships, and health responsibility were higher than average, while their scores on the subscales of physical activity and stress management were lower than average. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The higher score averages on all subscales of the HLSBS II, except for the subscales of physical activity and stress management and on the CARRF-KL Scale suggest that both the healthy life style behaviour and the risk factors knowledge level of the patients were close to the desired level. Based on these results, it is recommended that physical activity and stress management be addressed first in the education of the patients who undergo PTCA. |
5. | Determining the Care Burden and Anxiety Levels of Caregivers of Elderly Patients with Heart Failure Seyhan Çıtlık Sarıtaş, Kevser Işık doi: 10.5543/khd.2017.39306 Pages 55 - 62 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this descriptive study is to determine the care burden and anxiety levels of caregivers of elderly patients with heart failure. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted at İnönü University Turgut Özal Medical Centre (Cardiology) between June 2013 and July 2015. The sample consisted of 165 individuals taking care of elderly patients, aged 65 and over, who were hospitalised due to the diagnosis of heart failure. The data were collected by using the Introductory Questionnaire for Caregivers and Elderly Patients, which was prepared by the researcher, as well as the Burden Interview (BI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). RESULTS: This research determined that most of the caregivers were female, married and satisfied with caregiving; that there was a positive correlation between care burden and trait anxiety; and that, as the care burden increased, the trait anxiety score increased. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the study, it was determined that elderly patients were mainly cared for by their daughters and that there was a positive correlation between the care burden and anxiety. Caregivers are to be supported physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually in order to decrease their anxiety and care burden. |
6. | A Case of Heart Failure in the Framework of King's Theory of Goal Attainment Amine Deniz, Yasemin Yıldırım, Çiçek Fadıloğlu, Fisun Şenuzun Aykar doi: 10.5543/khd.2017.83007 Pages 63 - 70 Through the use of theories and models in nursing, the quality of nursing education and care has been increased and it has been guided to develop applications based on holistic care. It is very important that the new models, which provide increased quality of care, can be transferred to practice. One of the models that can be applied in many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart failure is Imogene King's "Theory of Goal Attainment". The theory provides a broader range of classical nursing care by introducing the critical thinking process in nursing care and can enable more effective and rapid symptom management in the disease process where multiple symptoms such as heart failure a represent. In addition; the participation of the individual in his or her care is ensured, it is determined that short-term and long-term goals, the extent to which these goals sare achieved and the short comings in reaching to the goals in Theory of Goal Attainment. Therefore, it is thought that it can be an effective model in diseases where it is very necessary for lifestyle changes and the patient to take care of himself/herself such as heart failure. So, from all the sethoughts, the goal is developing an example of care management for heart failure patients with in the frame work of the Theory of Goal Attainment. |
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