1. | Editorial Page I |
2. | Effect of Coffee Consumption on Heart Healt Sıdıka Oğuz, Zeynep Erdoğan doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.29290 Pages 136 - 139 Caffeine shows its effects as a potential of adenosine receptor antagonist in nervous system. Physiological effects associated with caffeine are central nervous system stimulation, the increase in the metabolic rate, diuresis and acute rise in blood pressure (BP). The impacts of coffee on heart health have been researched in Epidemiological studies conducted in the past 30 years and this topic is still debatable. Although case-control studies reveal that coffee is the potential to increase the risk of cardiovascular, it is stated that there isn’t correlation between the coffee intake in individuals who consume a high proportion of coffee and cardiovascular risks in cohort studies. BP, CRP, heart rate, cholesterol and fibrinogen have been evaluated in 52 normotensive healthy adults, and it has been observed an increase in men and women who consume caffeine systolic BP, cortisol levels as a response to stress. In the meta-analysis consisting of randomized controlled studies, which Noordzijin and his colleague evaluated the long-term effects of coffee consumption on BP; it is stated that Systolic BP increased 2.04 mmHg, and diastolic BP also increased 0.73 mmHg. According to the Greenberg et al. it has been found out that beverages including caffeine reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality in elderly, and these caffeinated beverages are protective against heart diseases. In the systematic review of Higdon, in cohort studies evaluating the relationship between coffee consumption and risk of coronary artery disease, it isn’t revealed that coffee consumption increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, yet it is reported that it causes an increase some risk factors such as BP and plasma homocysteine. The coffee is a beverage widely consumed we have seen, are controversial studies on the effects on heart health. Thus randomized, prospective studies are needed with a high level of evidence. |
3. | The Role of Nurses in Cardıac Rehabilitation Esra Akbulut, Derya Tülüce, Burcu Bayrak Kahraman doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.54254 Pages 140 - 146 Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in our country and the world. Cardiac rehabilitation programs are being implemented to reduce the cardiovascular morbidity and mortality related to disease.. In this review, focuses on the cardiac rehabilitation program, phase, components, steps, rehabilitation team and nurses’ role which is providing physical, social and spiritual well-being and an active life at societies that is individuals with cardiovascular disease. |
4. | Life Style Modification in Individulas with Myocardial Infarction: Pender’s Health Promotion Model Sibel Sevinç doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.93064 Pages 147 - 152 In this article, it is given the appliying Pender's health promotion model of myocardial infarction in individuals. Cardiology clinic nurses to use health promoting model is important to cardiac rehabilitation programs and discharge planning in individuals with myocardial infarction. So for these people to create lifestyle changes can be facilitated. |
5. | Evaluation of Hopelessness and Quality of Life in Patients with Myocardial Infarction Fatma Akçay Fırat, Özden Dedeli doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.72792 Pages 153 - 161 INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to assess the hopelessness, and quality of life in patients with myocardial infarction. METHODS: This descriptive and cross sectional study was conducted with 165 patients with myocardial infarction at the outpatients cardiology policlinic of a hospital. The data were collected by a demographic questionnaire, Myocardial Infarction Dimensional Assessment Scale (MIDAS), and Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). Mean±standard deviation, pergentage, Speraman’s rho correlation were used in statistical analysis. RESULTS: The mean age of patients were 57,4±11,0 (32-87) years, 77% were male. The mean score of MIDAS was 37,4±18,7 (1,00-86,0) and BHS was 7,6±4,7 (0-19). It was found that the means of subscale scores of MIDAS were respectively 16,1±7,8 (00,0-36,0) from “Physical activity”, 11,7±7,3 (00,0-31,0) from “Insecurity”, 1,2±1,3 (0,0-4,0) from “Dependency”, 5,2±2,5 (0,0-12,0) from “Emotional reaction”, 2,7±2,5 (0-8) form “Concerns over medication”. It was found that there was positive statistical correlation between mean scores of MIDAS and mean score of BHS (p<0,001). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that the patients with myocardial infarction had generally moderate functional impairment and hopelessness, high levels of hopelessness, their functional impairment and quality of life were affected adversely. |
6. | Investigation of the Factors Preventing Medication Compliance in Individuals with Chronic Heart Failure Nazmiye Köseoğlu, Nuray Enç doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.03016 Pages 162 - 168 INTRODUCTION: This descriptive study was planned to evaluate the medication compliance of chronic heart failure patients and analyzing factors which are the barriers to medication compliance. METHODS: This study was conducted in Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology, between 07 October 2013 to 31 January 2014, at emergency room, polyclinic and inpatient clinics. The population of the study was composed of 180 patients and the data is collected by using Beliefs about Medication Compliance Scale (BMCS) and a questionnaire. RESULTS: Mean age of patients’ were 67,32 ± 12,05, %46,7 (n: 84) were female. It is determined that 40 % (n: 72) of the participants have medication compliance, 60 % (n: 108) of them have no medication compliance. There is a relationship between the medication compliance or incompliance about going to checkups regularly (p<0,01), being informed efficiently about taking medicines by healthcare workers (p<0,05) and knowledge of the medications’ effects (p<0,01). There is a significant difference between BMCS’ benefit and barrier subscale towards medical compliance and incompliance (p<0,01). Also there is a significant difference between the BMCS’ barrier subscale score and education, belief of medicines are complex, going to check up regularly and knowledge of the medicines effects and side effects. It is determined on the BMCS’ barrier subscale; most of the participants stated that taking medicines every day (86 %) and awaking for toilets at nights caused by medicines (68 %). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The study found that not going to check up regularly, not to be informed efficiently by healthcare workers; complexity and unknowingness of the medications’ effects are important factors for medication incompliance. Also low education level, not going to check up regularly, not knowing the effects and side effects of the medication, complexity and side effects were founded to increasing barriers of belief. |
7. | Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Caregiver Contrubition to Self-care of Heart Failure Gülçin Akbıyık, Nuray Enç doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.36449 Pages 169 - 177 INTRODUCTION: This study has been conducted to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the “Caregiver Contrubition to Self-care of Heart Failure Index” (CCSCHFI) developed by Vellone et al(2013). METHODS: The study,involving face-to-face conversations with care-givers in the cardiology service and polyclinic of Istanbul University's Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine,was done from April-December 2014.In this methodological study is a likert-type scale composed of 22 items.The scale was used back-translation technique.The sample group was of caregivers without problems in establishing communication,who cared for 165 patients with New York Heart Association 3 (NYHA 3) and NYHA 4 heart failure diagnosed at least 3 months earlier.The validity of the scale was evaluated with factor analysis and language and content validity,and the reliability was evaluated with internal consistency and continuity methods. RESULTS: Content validity was evaluated in the context of consultations with experts.Through confirmatory factor analyses some problems were found in the general compliance parametres.A factor loading of 0.04(<0.30) was found for an item.In the study,the Cronbach alpha relability coefficient was determined at 0.66 for the first scale;at 0.81 for the second scale;and at 0.80 for the third scale.The result of the text-repeat test evaluation showed a statistically significant level of relationship. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the second scale,the fifteenth item with a factor loading of 0.04 was taken from the set,the factor loadings were found to rise.However,it was found that this item was an important question for the evaluation of the caregivers' contribution to the self-care of heart failure patients.It is considered that different health units repeating the study with larger sample groups,without item elimination,as it is unadvisable to remove items when adapting the results.As a result it was determined that the Turkish version of the CCSCHFI needs further refinement to be used in Turkish society,with a recommendation that different health units use it in further studies. |
8. | Percutaneous Treatment Of Pinch-Off Syndrome Causing Ventricular Arrhythmias Ercan Karabey, Osman Beton, Okan Onur Turgut, Mehmet Birhan Yılmaz doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.77486 Pages 178 - 181 Pinch-off syndrome is described as breaking off the port catheter because of the compression by the surrounding tissues between first costa and clavicle. Embolization of the detached catheter part into right ventricule or pulmonary artery can cause serious ventricular arrhythmias. In this case report, we aimed to present a case of serious arrhythmias complicated Pinch-off syndrome which was successfully treated with percutaneous intervetion. |
9. | Nursing Care of A Patient with Vasovagal Syncope According to Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory: Case Report Ayşegül Çelik, Yasemin Yıldırım doi: 10.5543/khd.2016.38358 Pages 182 - 186 The usage of the nursing theory and models in nursing care process offers a conceptual framework to this area forming a basis and guiding. The theory and the models contribute to the development and professionalisation of the profession of nursing. Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory is one of the most frequently used theory in the practice of nursing. According to Orem, nurses should reduce one’s needs to a degree that one can fulfil in the case of self care deficit, increase one’s self care skills or undertake care needs him/herself if she/he can’t remove self care deficit. The patients with a vasovagal syncope diagnosis are in need of supportive and educational nursing approaches and guidance according to Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. In this review, the nursing care of a patient with vasovagal syncope is studied according to Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. |
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