EISSN 2149-4975
Turkish Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing - Turk J Card Nur: 3 (3)
Volume: 3  Issue: 3 - February 2012
1. Editorial
Nuray Enç
Page 1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Does Hypertension Cause Sleep Problems?
Derya Özcanlı Atik, Zeynep Erdoğan Zeydan, Arife Albayrak Çoşar
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.001  Pages 2 - 8
Sleep is a fundamental, physiological life necessity which is affected by pataphysiological, physical and environmental factors. The benefits of sleep were well recognized and is now established that sleep is absolutely crucial in promoting health and bodily function. Studies were found a strong relationship between decrease of sleep duration and quality with the rising incidence of hypertension. Interventions in order to improve sleep quality will contribute reduction in the incidence of hypertension.

3. Intraortic balloon pump and nursing care
Havva Öz Alkan
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.002  Pages 9 - 18
Management of intraaortic balloon pump is an important consideration in critical care. Mechanical support of the failing heart is crucial for improving health outcomes. Intraaortic balloon pump to increase myocardial oxygen delivery, reducing the workload of the left ventricle and increase cardiac output. Intraaortic balloon pump may be used in acute left ventricular failure, cardiogenic shock, valvuler diseases, refractory angina, complication of myocardial infarction or bypass surgery. Ischemia, bleeding, thromboembolism is the most common complications. Nurses play a crucial role in caring for patients. This article describes the physiological effects of intra-aortic balloon pump, the indicated / contraindicated in situations in which, the process of separation from the pump, connected to the problems / complications and nursing care of patients.

4. Nursing Care for Acute Coronary Syndrome
Zeynep Canlı Özer, Şeyma Demir
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.003  Pages 19 - 32
Acute coronary syndromes describes clinical syndromes ranging from unstable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction with and without ST-segment elevation. ACS may negatively affect the quality of life for individuals, their personal relationships, their gaze to the future, in short, every aspect of life in a comprehensive manner. Therefore, the nurses that equipped with adequate knowledge have great responsibility in control, prevention and care of the disease. Nursing approach to a patient with a diagnosis of ACS begins with assess the needs of the patient and determining the priority of these requirements. The nurses, in accordance with NANDA nursing diagnoses, stick with care process by creating care plans and determining interventions. In this context, the diagnosis which can be considered for patients with acute coronary syndrome are acute pain, anxiety and depression, reduced cardiac output, activity intolerance, impaired sleep order and, deficient knowledge/ inability to cope necessary lifestyle changes. In this review, Nurses used as care guided of ACS patient and the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes clinical features, methods of diagnosis and treatment and the importance of nursing diagnosis and interventions have been discussed in the present study.

5. Motivational Interview for Compliance in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Hilal Uysal, Nuray Enç
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.004  Pages 33 - 38
Heart failure is an important health problem in our country. Approximately 80% of hospital admissions due to chronic heart failure, stated that at least 65 years of age and older. The most important causes of hospital readmissions for chronic heart failure, there are ineffective disease management, noncompliance with medication, diet and exercise plan and insufficient training. Providing training and advice to individuals, to enhance compliance with treatment, patient education and to coordinate care, nurses have important responsibilities in a multidisciplinary team. This article, the factors affecting readmission to hospital of individuals with chronic heart failure, in increasing compliance, with diet, medication, and individual follow-up which is an effective method, motivational interviewing strategies are discussed.

6. The importance of physical activity in the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases
Pınar Yeşil, Meral Altıok
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.005  Pages 39 - 48
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which are among the leading chronic diseases, are the most important cause of morbidity and mortality all over the world and in our country. The presence of risk factors such as advanced age, obesity, smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or diabetes mellitus increases the risk of developing CVD even more. Research indicates that physical inactivity increases the risk of CVD while being physically active significantly reduces the risk of CVD by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, keeping the weight and diabetes mellitus under control. This review had been discussed the importance of physical activity in CVD prevention and control.

7. Cardiac Rehabilitation and Nursing Responsibilities
Hilal Uysal
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.006  Pages 49 - 59
Cardiac rehabilitation is defined as to support those with known cardiovascular disease to achieve and maintain optimal health. Cardiac rehabilitation programs are effective for risk reduction. Lifestyle changes should be a whole with the medical and psychosocial treatments to reduce cardiovascular risk. Informed about the importance of preventive practices of individuals with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease is provided. with support of nurses and other health team members (physician, dietician, physiotherapist, etc.), planning the degree of activity and disease at home after hospital discharge and compliance with disease and treatment.
Rehabilitation nurses provides coordination establishing good communication with other team members and despite with the individual's physical limitations, attempts to maximize function as independently as possible. Rehabilitation nurse gathers information from staff and other sources. Later, the patient's care plans, implements and evaluates rehabilitation provides integrity. In this article, the definition of cardiac rehabilitation, the importance of team work in the cardiac rehabilitation, roles of a nurse, cardiac rehabilitation phases, and patient / family education was informed about.

8. Determination of the Abilities of Nurses in Diagnosing the ECG Findings About Emergency Heart Diseases and Deciding the Appropriate Treatment Approaches
Hatice Dilek Doğan, Mehmet Melek
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.007  Pages 60 - 69
OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to determine the abilities of nurses serving in every unit, in diagnosing the electrocardiogram findings observed in emergency heart diseases and deciding the appropriate nursing approaches.
METHODS: This study was carried out on 210 nurses who have accepted to participate, at four hospitalin in the central Afyonkarahisar between August and September 2004. A survey form has been used as a collect data device in the study. SPSS for Windows 11.0 (Statistical Package of Science) programme was utilized for evaluation of the data. Chi-square test was used for statistical analyses.
RESULTS: Eighty percent of the participating nurses were identified to carry out the correctly positioning the chest derivations in the electocardiography monitoring. It was observed that 88.1% of the nurses have not participated in the orientation programmes. Only 38.1% of the nurses were found to be able to identify the ventricular fibrillation, 54,3% myocardial infarction, 33,3 % third degree atrioventricular block, 40,5 % ventricular tachycardia. However, 20.5% of the nurses stated that they could carry out defibrillation. % 60,5 of the nurses expressed that they did not know the right electocardiography monitoring and thus could not recognise the type of the arrhythmia.
CONCLUSION: In our study, we found that, there was a relationship between the type of health services that the nurses work in and whether they have participated in-service training programme or not, and their educational level had no effect on the differences concerned. We found, in our country,that nurse have got necesary to improve their skills and knowledge about the electocardiography.

9. Profile of Nurses and Technicians Working in the Cardiology Clinics in Turkey
Nuray Enç, Hilal Uysal, Fisun Şenuzun, Zeynep Canlı Özer, Emine Guruşçu, Öznur Şentürk
doi: 10.5543/khd.2012.008  Pages 70 - 83
OBJECTIVE: This study was planned and done in order to determine the profile of nurses and technicians working in cardiology clinics in Turkey and also form the future strategies of Turkish Society of Cardiology cardiovasculer nurses and technicians working group.
METHODS: This study was done with 459 nurses and technicians working in 26 special and public hospitals in Turkey. Data was collected by using “Profile of Nurses and Technicians Working in Cardiology Clinics Questionnaire”.
RESULTS: This study, 431 nurses and 28 technicians, 459 people participated in total. It was determined that 54.2% of the group was working in cardiology services and 23.8% of them were working in coronary intensive care clinics. 58.6% of the group stated that they preferred working in cardiology clinics, 13.1% of them stated that they liked working cardiology clinics and 5.2% of the group determined that they felt themselves much more efficient in these clinics. It was stated that 41.4% of the participants attended occupational certificate programmes and 31.6% of them attended congresses/ symposiums. 21.8% of the group would like to take education programmes, courses including basic and advanced electrocardiography, information about rhythm disorders, 13% of the group would like to take education about basic and advanced cardiac life support.
CONCLUSION: The vast majority of nurses and technicians participating in the study of total working hours per week is more than 45 hours and an extra guard, orientation and conditions of service training is not desirable level, the vast majority of participants, training programs of TKD cardiovascular nursing and technician study group was not going.

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